Tropical Restoration and Ecology
Espinosa, S., G. Celis, L.C. Branch. 2018. When roads appear jaguars decline: Increased access to an Amazonian wilderness area reduces potential for jaguar conservation. PloS one: 13(1): e0189740.
Ewel, J.J., G. Celis, and L. Schreeg. 2015. Steeply increasing complementari- ty among tropical trees. BIOTROPICA, 47(2): 162-171.
Baber, O., M. Slot, G. Celis, K. Kitajima. 2014. Diel patterns of leaf carbohydrate concentrations differ between seedlings and mature trees of two sympatric oak species. Botany 92(7): 535-540.
Ewel, J.J., M.J. Mazzarino, and G. Celis. 2014. Eleven years of soil fertility changes in model tropical ecosystems: effects of stand longevity and plant diversity outweigh species identity. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9753-9.
Celis, G and G. Ávalos. 2013. Acclimation of seedlings of Gnetum leyboldii Tul. (Gnetaceae) to light changes in a tropical rain forest.Revista de Biología Tropical 61(4): 1859-1868.
Celis, G and S. Jose. 2011. Restoring abandoned pasture land with native tree species in Costa Rica: effects of exotic grass competition and light. Forest Ecology and Management 261(10): 1598-1604.
Vargas, G.; G Celis, and Vieira, D. 2001. Guía de Árboles y Arbustos del Centro de Conservación Santa Ana. Fundación Pro Zoológicos, San José, Costa Rica.
Melvin, A.M., G. Celis, J.F. Johnstone, A.D. McGuire, H. Genet, E.A.G. Schuur, M. C. Mack. Fuel-reduction alters plant composition, carbon and nitrogen pools, and permafrost thaw in Alaskan boreal forest. Ecological Applica- tions.
Shields,J.,S.Jose, J.Freeman,M.Bunyan,G.Celis,D.Hagan,M. Morgan, E. Pieterson, and J. Zack. 2011. Short-term impacts of Laurel Wilt on Redbay (Persea borbonia [L.] Spreng.) in a mixed ever-green-deciduous forest in northern Florida. Journal of Forestry 109(2): 82-88.
Celis, G. and C. Pieterson. 2009. It’s in the Bag. Wildland Weeds 12: 11.
Climate Change
Schädel C, C. Koven, D.M. Lawrence, G. Celis, A.J. Garnello, J. Hutch- ings, M. Mauritz, S.M. Natali, E. Pegoraro, H. Rodenhizer, V.G. Salmon, M. Taylor, E.E. Webb, W.R. Wieder, E.A.G. Schuur. 2018. Divergent patterns of experimental and model- derived permafrost ecosystem carbon dynamics in response to Arctic warming. Environmental Research Letters.
Taylor,M.A.,G.Celis, J.D.Ledman,R.Bracho,E.A.G.Schuur,2018.Methane efflux measured by eddy covariance in Alaskan uplandtundra undergoing permafrost degradation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 2695–2710.
Salmon, V.G., C. Schädel, R. Bracho, E. Pegoraro, G. Celis, M. Mauritz, M. C. Mack, E.A.G. Schuur. 2018. Adding depth to our understanding of nitrogen dynamics in permafrost soils. JGR: Biogeosciences. https://-
Liang, j. J. Xia, Z. Shi, L. Jiang, S. Ma, X. Lu, M. Mauritz, S. M. Natali, E. Pegoraro, C. R. Penton, C. Plaza, V.G. Salmon, G. Celis, J. R. Cole, K. T. Konstantinidis, J. M. Tiedje, J. Zhou, E. A.G. Schuur, Y. Luo. Biotic responses buffer warming‐induced soil organic carbon loss in Arctic tundra. Global Change Biology.
Celis, G., M. Mauritz, R. Bracho, V. G. Salmon, E E. Webb, J. Hutchings, S. M. Natali, C. Schädel, K. G. Crummer, E. A.G. Schuur. 2018 The tundra is a net source of CO2 measured by autochambers and eddy covariance techniquesduring five years in a site with permafrost thawing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122(6): 1471-1485.
Mauritz, M.,R.Bracho,G.Celis, J.Hutchings,S.M.Natali,E.Pegoraro,V.G. Salmon, C. Schädel, E.E. Webb, E.A.G. Schuur. 2017. Non‐linear CO2 fluxresponse to seven years of experimentally induced permafrost thaw. Global Change Biology, 23(9): 3646-3666. doi:10.1111/gcb.13661
Bracho, R., S.M. Natali, E. Pegoraro, K. G. Crummer, C. Schädel, G. Celis, L. Hale, L. Wu, H. Yin, J. M. Tiedje, K. T. Konstantinidis, Y. Luo, J. Zhou, E.A.G. Schuur. 2016. Temperature sensitivity of organic matter decomposition of permafrost-region soils during laboratory incubations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.02.008
Salmon, V.G., P. Soucy, M. Mauritz, G. Celis, S. M. Natali, M. C. Mack, E.A.G. Schuur. 2015. Nitrogen availability increases in a tundra ecosystem duringfive years of experimental permafrost thaw. Global Change Biology, doi:110.1111/gcb.13204
Deane-Coe,K.K.,M.Mauritz,G.Celis,V.Salmon,K.G.Crummer, S.M.Natali, E.A.G. Schuur. 2015. Experimental warming alters productivity and isotopic signatures of tundra mosses. Ecosystems, doi:10.1007/s10021-015-9884-7
Natali, S., E.A.G. Schuur, J. Schade, G. Celis, K. G. Crummer, C. Johnston, J. Krapek, E. Pegoraro, V. G. Salmon, and E.E. Webb. 2015. Permafrost thaw and soil moisture drive CO2 and CH4 release from upland tundra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120, doi:10.1002/2014- JG002872.